Das Programm:
SAMSTAG, 21.05.2022
– 13:30–14:30 Afro Cuban Move (all levels) –> introduction to afro move, isolation, energy&small choreo with various afro moves
– 14:45–15:45 Salsa con Afro (intermediate) –> mixing afro with salsa
-16h00-17h00 Partnerwork&Styling (inter/advanced)
SONNTAG, 22.05.2022
-13h-14h00 Rumba Guaguanco (all level) –> introduction to Rumba guaguanco
-14h15-15h15 Salsa con Rumba (intermediate)
– 15h30-16h30 Pasitos con Todo (inter/advanced) –> point of ‚Pasitos con Todo‘ is mastering different energy like fusion and urban style in the same choreo
Kosten: CHF 180.- ink. Show-Social-Night am Samstag, 21.Mai von 20h-24h00
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