Neue Kurse starten wieder ab dem 11.Januar 2021
Freitag, 27. November 2020
Afro Cuban Move (all Levels)
Mittwoch, 21. April 2021

Termin Details

Dieser Termin endet am 21 Mai 2022

Das Programm:

SAMSTAG,  21.05.2022

– 13:30–14:30 Afro Cuban Move (all levels) –> introduction to afro move, isolation, energy&small choreo with various afro moves

– 14:45–15:45 Salsa con Afro (intermediate) –> mixing afro with salsa

-16h00-17h00 Partnerwork&Styling (inter/advanced)

SONNTAG, 22.05.2022

-13h-14h00 Rumba Guaguanco (all level) –> introduction to Rumba guaguanco

-14h15-15h15 Salsa con Rumba (intermediate)

– 15h30-16h30 Pasitos con Todo (inter/advanced) –> point of ‚Pasitos con Todo‘ is mastering different energy like fusion and urban style in the same choreo

Kosten: CHF 180.- ink. Show-Social-Night am Samstag, 21.Mai von 20h-24h00


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