Our terms and conditions
Register & Cancel Membership
The registration for the course is binding and with it the payment of the full course fees. Terms and conditions are recognized upon registration for the course. The registration can be cancelled in writing or via telephone until three days before the beginning of the course.
Course Process
Fabrica de Salsa reserves the right to postpone or cancel a course if there are not enough participants. If a course does not take place, participants will be notified via SMS or E-mail.
Payment of Course Fees
Course fees must be paid in cash on the first day of the course or via e-banking before the start of the course.
Cancellation of Lessons and / or Courses
Course fees cannot be claimed for refund due to missed lessons or terminating the course. We offer the possibility to catch up missed lessons after consultation with Veronica. It is the student’s responsibility to reach out to Veronica under these circumstances.
Registration for Unaccompanied Dancers
Single registrations are of course welcome. We try to organize a corresponding dance partner or assistant dancer for the duration of the dance lesson. However, we cannot guarantee that for each and every lesson, but we try our best.
For all courses, workshops and events organised by Fabrica de Salsa, we are not liable for incurring damages. Insurance is the responsibility of the participants. The participant is obliged to provide sufficient accident and liability insurance coverage. In case of an accident we cannot be held liable. Neither can Fabrica de Salsa be held liable for theft and loss of items.
Data Protection
By registering, participants agree that Fabrica de Salsa use data for further purposes (advertising, information about new offers, mailing list, etc.). Your data will not be shared with third parties. Our Newsletter can be canceled in writing at info@fabricadesalsa.ch at any time.
Program and Price Changes
Fabrica de Salsa reserves the right to change programs and prices, as well as to change general terms and conditions without notice.
Steinenvorstadt 334051 Basel
+41 79 712 99 89